Our Works
Local ChatGPT
Local ChatGPT is a Telegram bot integrated with OpenAI ChatGPT. It is designed for users who want to use ChatGPT directly without VPN or external service in Hong Kong.
Yuanalytics is a data analytics platform designed specifically for Xiao Yuan, a live streamer and singer in China. Data will be collected from each live streaming and uploaded videos. Yuanalytics will analysis the data daily for up-to-date statistics.
SoFreeRa Discord Bot
A tailor made multifunctional Discord bot for a live streamer. It provides Twitch live streaming notification, status monitoring and control of Minecraft game server, and chatbot function with ChatGPT integration.
WhatsTech Module
WhatsTech is a module for Technology Identification. It is designed for a web analysis and optimisation platform to identify what technologies are used in a website.
NFT AutoUpload
A script for client to upload NFT image and submit information to OpenSea NFT marketplace automatically.
Next Chinese Converter
The next generation of Chinese conversion solution to convert Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese. It supports phrases and words of 4 regions including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mainland China and Singapore.
Smart Intelligence Engine
A powerful problem-solving engine for calculations, conversions, and getting up-to-date information.